0462-2353066      principal@annaihajirawomenscollege.ac.in    |      |      |  
Motto : "My Lord! Bestow Wisdom on Me and Join Me with Righteous"

Rules and regulations

    Code of Conduct

  • Students must perceive absolute silence at all times during examinations.
  • Students sitting for examinations must cling to the rules and regulations with regards to attire, accessories etc.
  • The invigilator reserves the right to expel any student who is blamed of improper conduct from the classroom and will be dealt severely.

    Rules and Regulations of Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

  • Three Continuous Internal Assessments will be conducted in every semester.
  • Out of the three tests, the best two will be taken as the average. i.e., Total Marks = Sum of the best two / 2.
  • Students’ must leave their bags, books and belongings outside the classroom when they take up the test/exam .
  • Students must wear their id card.
  • Students should be seated in the allotted examination hall for the first bell before the commencement of examination.
  • Any student coming late to the examination hall will be allowed to appear for the examination after proper permission from the HOD. But no extra time will be given to complete the exams.
  • Students should bring their own writing and mathematical instruments for the examination..
  • Students are not allowed to communicate with other students during the exams as it can lead to unfair advantages.
  • Students should submit their completed exam paper within the stipulated time. Late submissions will not be accepted.
  • Students are not allowed to leave the examination hall until all the answer papers are collected.
  • A student who is absent for the CIA must produce a valid medical certificate from an authorized medical practitioner/physician to cover the period of absence.
  • The CIA marks of all the students will be communicated to their parents/guardian.
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